Person in charge : Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam
Date | : | 19.07.2023 |
Venue | : | Auxilium Provincial House, Tiruchirapalli |
Resource Person | : | Sr. Azzarias Arokia Mary Selvi Mr. Indrajith, Communist Activist, One of the leader in Trichy |
Theme | : | Roles and Responsibilities of women in the Family and Society |
No. of participants | : | 20 |
Duration | : | 9.45 a.m. – 04.45 p.m. |
Organizer | : | Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam |
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.”
The day began with the short invocation of the Holy Spirit to move around in our thoughts and words. Sr. Thomas Sirumani Sathiya welcomed the participants. Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam introduced the importance of the day by presenting the time table and the importance of the gathering from different districts.
Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam introduce Sr. Lazar Bernadine the Vice Provincial, as a sister among the sisters and a person with simple life style and pleasant to approach for any support. The Inaugural speech of the day had a life in every individual. The model of a Girl Abigail from the Holy bible was presented through video narrating the struggle and the constant and prudent handling of the situation with the support and the close contact with the creator God the Father. It was very much edifying and a boost for the day and the future.
Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam animated a game with the balloon as ice breaking session to introduce oneself and their expectation on this day. It was very creatively presented and the oneness of every individual in the group and a heart of humility and acceptance are needed to run the family and live harmoniously in the society.
The Right to guaranteed benefits under a Government Program, as social security or unemployment compensation was explained through power point presentation by Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam. The required documents and the departments to be approached for the following certificates were clearly explained: Birth, Community, Income, Nativity, Death, Ration card, Voter ID, Widows, Differently able, legal heir or successor certificate and Marriage certificate. It was enlightenment for the participants to help themselves and those in need.
In the afternoon Mr. Indrajith spoke about the history of Christianity and the other religions’ existence in this state of Tamil Nadu and their roles and responsibilities. In his talk there were lot of examples how the women were treated by the politicians and the so called money minded individuals. It is not enough that we live inside the four walls and speak of the family alone instead break the barriers and look at the world and it’s problems and insert yourselves in the forth coming election. The women had a time to open wide their vision for the future.
Self-employment can be a rewarding way to make a living. This session was taken by Sr. Azzarias Arokia Mary Selvi, ASSIST, and councilor for Social Ministry of the Province. It takes persistence, dedication and resourcefulness to work for yourself and build a successful business. Best of all, the work structure that comes with self-employment offers the potential to have many advantages. Being self employed allows you to create your own schedule and decide when and how much you work. However, the flexibility that comes with being self-employed allows you to take time off or go on vacation when you want to without having to request or wait for approval. This brought enthusiasm in the minds and lives of the participants.
The members were divided into three groups and had a group discussion and came out with the practical suggestions for the yearly plan. Sr. Soosaimuthu Arul Mary the animator of the Provincial house preceded over the general assembly. After listening to the groups sister appreciated their reflections and requested them to make effort in living it in their daily realities.
The participants expressed that the day was good and enriching and thanked each other and expressed for a celebration of International women’s day at the province level. With the Marian hymn and a small gift to each other the day was concluded with the note of joy and optimism.
Aug. 10 | THU | Training on Responsible Parenting focusing on the Critical usage of Social Media | 68 Women | G. T. Marialaya |
Sep. 14 | THU | Training on Responsible Parenting focusing on the Critical usage of Social Media | 55 Women | Coimbatore Marialaya |
Oct. 11 | WED | Training on Responsible Parenting focusing on the Critical usage of Social Media | 60 Women | Tirupur Marialaya |
Dec. 15 | THU | Training on Responsible Parenting focusing on the Critical usage of Social Media | 50 Women | V. Paganoor |
Date | : | 10.08.2023 |
Venue | : | Marialaya, George Town, Broadway, Chennai |
Resource Person | : | Mr. Udhaya , Managing Director of Job match Consultancy, Chennai |
Theme | : | Training on Responsible Parenting focusing on the Critical usage Social Media |
No. of participants | : | 68 |
Duration | : | 10 a.m. – 01.00 p.m. |
Organizer | : | Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam |
The day began with the prayer song and words of welcome to the resource person. The women from different parts of Chennai participated in this event. Parents are irresponsible for every negative act of a child and the young people. Cell phone is a world and a encyclopedia where they can learn anything and everything is a mentality of this generation. It is a duty and a great responsibility of parents towards their children. The parents need to offer quality education to the children not according to the taste and the interest of the other but for the best interest of the child and young people. One need to understand that my child’s interest and involvement in which area and encourage him/her to focus on it. Education is a only tool and an instrument to development and grow positively. Mobile and other social Media has got a lot of positive impact. Help and motivate your children to use positively and avoid the matters that pollute one’s mind and life.
Every move of the child need to paid attention and their friends and peer groups to be handled gently. The mobile has lot of opportunities to take photos, videos and games that goes to the extent of killing oneself and others too. These were explained through many examples and life incidents. Finally the participants thanked for this opportunity to know and practice the good things and become responsible parents to their children and our neighbors.
Date | : | 14.09.2023 |
Venue | : | Marialaya, Coimbatore |
Resource Person | : | Mr. Karthick, |
Theme | : | Training on Responsible Parenting focusing on the Critical usage of Social Media |
No. of participants | : | 55 |
Duration | : | 10 a.m. – 01.00 p.m. |
Organizer | : | Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam |
Date | : | 20.10.2023 |
Venue | : | Marialaya, Tirupur |
Resource Person | : | Mr. Karthick, Mrs Vichitra Senthilkumar |
Theme | : | Training on Responsible Parenting focusing on the Critical usage of Social Media |
Number of SHG | 514 |
Number of Women | 5566 |
Functioning Independently | 16 |
Number of SHG followed up Regularly | 480 |
Number of women trained in livelihood through SHG or Separately | 1977 |
Number of women accessed Government Schemes | 1246 |
Date | : | 14.09.2023 |
Duration | : | 10 a.m. – 01.00 p.m. |
Organizer | : | Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam |
We organized training for the parents on the topic of responsible parenting focusing on the critical usage of media at Tirupur Marialaya on October 20th 2023. The program began with a warm welcome by our Marialaya director Sr. Antony Lourdu Sagayam, Mrs.Vichitra Senthilkumar president of Rotary Avinashi East and Mr. Sivakumar social worker from Coimbatore participated as a special guest. Mrs Vichitra Senthilkumar interacted with parents and shared how to be a responsible parent and the importance of parenting, she explained how to be a friend to our children and spend quality time with them. In her speech, she gave more importance to avoiding mobile phones with children, parents especially women are impressed with her speech and they realized the importance of education and responsible parenting. Mr. Karthick explained how media exploits children through short films and videos. Parents had learned many new technical aspects in this program, and around 60 members had participated in this program.
Number of IGP Beneficiaries | 898 |
Total Savings by Women who are followed up Regularly | 4,96,49,900 |
Total amount accessed from banks/ Others | 9,74,70,000 |
♣ Small Department store
♣ Small Textiles
♣ Organic Soap
♣ Imitation Jewellary
♣ Phenoil
♣ Handicrafts
♣ Tailoring shope
♣ Retail and Trading (Selling Vegetables and fruits in Local markets)
♣ Food processing unit
♣ Agriculture
To stress on the clean green earth the “Environmental Day” was conducted in Marialaya. Sixty women attended the meeting. The resource was Sr.Susai Annamanickam. She was welcomed by the staff and she spoke about the five elements and their importance. She also insists on avoiding plastics and dividing the biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes and using the dustbins in their home. The women were insisted on keeping their homes clean and taking care of the common home by avoiding throwing waste on the roads. The women resolved to follow the instructions in their day-to-day lives
The federation meeting for the month was organized on the theme “World Population Day. The chief guest was Advocate Shoba a well-known person in Marialaya. She was welcomed by the staff and the women. She spoke on the Population and its impact and also she motivated women to be strong and courageous to face all the challenges and difficulties in life. Women are created to be happy and fulfilled and to always consider themselves beautiful and meaningful. She spoke on a few points on Women’s Laws and Rights and clarified the doubts of women regarding personal and family issues.
The women from different Self-help groups gathered for the federation meeting on the theme “Tuberculosis Awareness Day”. Mrs. Reena and Mrs. Kalaiarasi Field staff from Primary Health Centre, Moolakutharam spoke about the cause and effect of Tuberculosis and also the government aid for the affected patient. In the end, the women took an oath that they would not spit in public or on the roads.
In today’s world, all are busy with a lot of work and depressed with so many problems and so mental health is more important. Forty women participated in the meeting. Mrs.Poornachandrika, Deputy Director of the Government Mental Hospital was the chief guest. She was welcomed by the women. In her speech, she explained about the women who are affected highly by mental health. Women are depressed due to unnecessary over thinking. Women are also worried about their families which bring anxiety and commotion in the family. She also insisted that women to take care of their health along with their family members. She also encouraged women to go for counseling whenever they are needed it. Women have to get good rest and proper sleep for mental good health.
The federation meeting commenced with fifty women in Marialaya. The day was on “Indian Constitution”. Mis.Gayathri, an advocate from Madras High Court was the main speaker. She explained about the Preamble of the Constitution clearly to the women and also about the Laws and the rights of the women. She also briefly explained about the history of the Constitution which inspired many women. There were a few questions and doubts which was cleared by the advocate .All the women were so happy to know something about the Indian Constitution. They pledged to share the insights with the other members of the group.
In India, women suffer from cancer, especially Breast. It was a day to give awareness to the women of self-help groups. Some fifty-one women attended the meeting. Dr.Jothy Lakshmi, from the Government hospital with their staff, explained and enlightened about the cause and effect of Brest cancer. She also briefly said the way to prevent it especially to go for a check-up after the 40’s and not be feel shy to speak about it. The women also cleared their doubts from the doctor.
The 77th Independence Day of our country was celebrated throughout the Country on the 15thof August since it reminds every Indian about the dawn of a new beginning, the beginning of an era of deliverance from the clutches of British colonialism. Hence the members of the women group in different areas hoisted the National Flag and distributed sweets to all. The Sisters, staffs and the women with their neighbours, area councilors, and Police made this day as a memorable one. All resolved to respect the constitution of the Country and to avoid any form of Discrimination to have a bright and prosperous country.
To celebrate the birthday of Jesus women from different places gathered for Christmas celebration. The members presented cultural programmes like Christmas living crib, Christmas dance, carol songs skit, and Santa Claus and made everyone happy. The chief guest gave a Christmas message. Our life should make others happy through our sharing. The women group members shared their gifts as a token of love.
This festival is celebrated with much enthusiasm and devotion. Pongal is a thanksgiving festival celebrated throughout Southern India. It is a festival that has immense value for the people of Tamil. Women group members decided to celebrate Samathuva Pongal in at all the houses with the women. The Guests gave a message that we need to protect Mother Earth, also explained how plastic pollutes the Earth, and so we have to be conscious of it and not use plastic in our daily lives.
Every year March 8 is remembered and celebrated by every citizen of the nations and in particular every women group members are celebrated and appreciated for their selfless service and life giving presence. The coordinators and the staff members went around the city, town and the villages to greet the women in various places who work hard to be courageous women. The women were happy to be recognized on this day. The chief guest and the invitees distributed prizes for the competition conducted throughout this year and also those who gave the cultural events.
This year 2023, the World Breastfeeding Week theme is “Let’s make breastfeeding and work, work!”. The theme emphasizes necessary actions to support continued exclusive breastfeeding in working women to their infants. Twenty-one women participated in the meeting. It was organized by the MSW students of Loyola College.
27.09.23: OZONE DAY
“Fixing the Ozone Layer and Reducing Climate Change. ”With this theme, the Ozone Day was done in the areas. The ten groups in that area attended the meeting. Mr.Ganesan spoke on the theme and invited the women to take care of the environment it is in our hands to reduce climate change. The women were interested in the subject and were encouraged to do the same.
The day was organized in the BRN garden and the group members of that area attended it. There were thirty women and the staff spoke to them. Suicide is not the solution to the problems. Every living person on this earth has problems the nature of human beings is to fight not to withdraw from life.
♣ | Responsible parenting |
♣ | Human rights |
♣ | Tuberculosis day |
♣ | Environmental day |
♣ | Ozone day |
♣ | Mental health day |
♣ | World population day |
♣ | Indian constitution day |
♣ | World breastfeeding day |
♣ | Anti suicidal awareness day |
♣ | Cancer awareness day |
♣ | Biodegradable garbage and non-biodegradable garbag |
♣ | Usages of mobile |
♣ | Prevention of atrocities act |
♣ | Importance of girl children |
♣ | Clean drinking water |
♣ | Income generative programme |
♣ Network through federations and provide bank linkages for taking up Income Generation Activities for their Socio- Economic Empowerment
♣ NABARD – Facilitate sustained access to financial services for the unreached poor through various micro finance innovations in a effective and sustainable manner.
♣ Gender Discrimination: In Decision Making processes and accessing Support Services and Opportunity.
♣ Gender Discrimination: In Decision Making processes and accessing Support Services and Opportunity.
♣ Limited Mobility: Restriction on women’s Mobility Particularly in rural Areas impedes their participation in SHG Activities and access to market and Training Programmes.
♣ Family and Household Responsibilities: Balancing household and care giving responsibilities that affects their ability to fully engage and benefit from group initiatives.
♣ Focus on strengthening existing and new income sources and creating opportunities for economic growth.
♣ Enhance the skills and capacities of SHG Members by regular follow up meetings and trainings.