FOR THE YEAR 2023 – 2024
Province of our Lady of Snow-Trichy
“As the yeast in today’s human family.”
-strenna 2023
With the vibrant thoughts on the Strenna 2023 in our minds and deep family spirit in our hearts, the annual past pupils meet of INT province was held on 22 nd July 2023 in St. Francis Xavier Convent Broadway. There were 60 past pupils along with 10 FMA co-ordinators from the 9 past upils’ units of the province of Trichy was present for the meeting. The day’s event began with the registration followed by the prayerful animation by the Madurai past pupil’s unit invoking God’s blessing on every one present there. Mrs.Jancy from Puliadithammam unit welcomed the gathering. The alumni association was delighted with the presence of Sr.Fernando Majella the Mother Provincial and she was warmly welcomed amidst the gathering. Rev.Sr.Marai Pushpam the animator of the Broadway community was present and we welcomed and thanked her for availing the place and the resources. The Provincial gave her introductory talk appreciating the past pupils for their generous contribution and collaboration extended in all our houses. She encouraged them to be faithful to the teaching of Don Bosco and live the values that they have learnt from their honourable educational institutions.
Rev. Fr. Oswald Devadass SDB the assistant parish priest from St. Francis Xavier church Broadway was the resource person of the day and he presented the session on “Past Pupils as yeast in today’s human family” . He presented the important aspects on being the east that works silently for leavening, just like the work of God’s kingdom; that needs our contribution “from within.” He explained that sometimes our human contribution or our little effort may seem insignificant, but they are always precious before God. And so we need to discover the meaning of our existence in the awareness that our life is never isolated from everyone else’s. The “I” and the “we” can only exist, when we live and work well together. After the short break we had the group photo and had the second session on “Together for ecological conversion.” The past pupils were enlightened by the goals of Laudato si and our efforts to safeguard the earth for the future generations. Few of the living examples who work with the ecological concern in their family, and local areas were presented to the them, encouraging to product their environment greatly.
After the lunch we had joyful sharing of past pupils from different units and it was time of sharing, recollecting the beautiful memories of the past and it gave us the great drive to make the present lively. It was followed by the group discussion and there were lively sharing and listing out the action plan for this year. We gathered for the general assembly sharing the points those were discussed in the groups and selected the points to actualize throughout the year. We elected the President, Secretary and representatives for the units with the consultation of everyone. With the strong determination the past pupils pledged themselves to be yeast in the human family, living the gospel values and promote green society in all the way possible. The meeting was concluded with the vote of thanks and every one dispersed to work effectively in their own units.

It was a very beautiful meeting on 15 th August 2023 where few past pupils from Russiaand Canada expressed their views about our esteemed institution. Sr. A. Verginia Arockia Mary was the Chief person in explaining about the Strenna for the year 2023. The past pupils enjoyed the day by sharing the experiences in different countries.
20 Past pupils gathered in our school premises and had a friendly get together on 26 th January2024. The discussion was about the development of past pupils and how to help the past pupils.

- Past pupils sponsored for Zonal Sports meet on 1 st September 2023 to express their love towards sportsmanship.
- They participated in the retirement function of Mr.Muth gardener and expressed their gratitude
- As a token of love and gratitude to our institution the Past Pupils contributed a Xerox Copier Machine costing Rs. 1,22,000/- during christmas 2023.
The Alumni Meet was held on 15 th August 2023, and it started with a welcome note for the occasion given by the alumni member Mrs. Ruth. Followed by an Introductory talk by our past pupil delegate Rev. Sr. A. Regina Mary. Colourful balloons were released as inaugural joy of the event The meeting was graced by the Correspondent Rev. Sr. Dr. Selva Rani. A report of the alumni meet was given by Mr.Abujith, Alumni Association Secretary. During the interaction session with the alumni, New executive members were elected. The elected members were felicitated by our Correspondent Rev. Sr. Dr. Selva Rani. All the representatives were introduced by our past pupil delegate Rev. Sr. A. Regina Mary to the gatherings. And the alumni shared their views. Mr. Govinda Raj, Member of Alumni expressed his gratitude to the management
- Flood relief – December 2023:
To save the needy people in and around Chennai, our past took an initiative and dispatched a team to the area to assess the damage and help the thousands of people left stranded by the rising waters. - Christmas brings joy and love. The Management and past Pupil of our school celebrated Christmas with great zeal and fervour. A special assembly on Christmas was presented with great ardour and zest by the past Pupil on 19th December 2023

The past pupils of Marialaya were gathered on 15 th August 2023 for the annual reunion. Sr. Irudaya Raj Victoria the animator presided over the meeting, which we organized to encourage the past pupils to maintain positive relationships with the institute and with one another. We commenced the meeting by lighting the lamp and invoked the blessing of the Almighty. Rev. Fr. Daniel from the Don Bosco School of Excellence was invited for the inspiring talk and he kept the audience alive with a topic: “The role of media in the development of young people today. The participants were divided into small groups and they had a discussion on the topic and their views were presented in the general assembly. They also expressed their objectives and action plan as past pupils of the institute to have an integral growth to be light in the society. The office bearers were selected and everyone was willing to collaborate for the development of the association.

Keela Eral
The past pupil meet held on 25th Feb. The purpose of the meet was to reconnect former students, foster a sense of community, and celebrate shared experiences. They enjoyed a delightful lunch; we provided a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for past pupils to reconnect and reminisce. The past pupils shared stories and memories from their school days, fostering a sense of nostalgia and strengthening the bonds of their shared past. We look forward to continuing to build strong relationships with our past pupils and fostering a vibrant alumni community. The event provided a platform for past pupils to reconnect, share experiences, and celebrate their
shared history

- The past pupils gave their invaluable assistance in admissions
- They helped for the advertisement of our school in placing the banner in the public places. They lend a hand to spread awareness about the school and likely played a role in attracting new students to our school.
It was truly a heartwarming experience gathering the past pupils at their alma mater on 26 th January 2024. The atmosphere was filled with love and positivity as they all came together to pray and reflect on their time at the school. During the sharing session, they were able to express our gratitude for the education and values imparted to them by the sisters and teachers. Their dedication and commitment to our growth and development were truly inspiring, and they promised to be grateful for the guidance and support.

A heartwarming gathering of past pupils on 17 th February 2024 after GRADUATION CEREMONY to share their life journeys, each story a testament to the diverse paths taken since their time at the college. Laughter filled the air, mingling with tales of triumphs and challenges, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and nostalgia. It was a moment of reflection, a celebration of achievements, and a reaffirmation of the bonds forged during their academic years. Amidst the reminiscing, the generosity of our alumni shone brightly as they collectively contributed 700 towards the welfare of the college. Their selfless gesture spoke volumes about their unwavering commitment to giving back and supporting the institution that had nurtured them. The management was deeply moved by their benevolent spirit, recognizing it as a testament to the values instilled during their time at the college. Sr. Pushpa, Co- Ordinator of the local Past Pupils unit at Auxilium College, Regunathapuram, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the past pupils for their generosity. She emphasized the profound impact their contributions would have on the college and its mission of providing quality education to future generations. Encouraging them to remain engaged with the Salesian family, she highlighted the enduring bond that transcends time and distance.
- We Strengthened the Salesian Spirituality among the unit members
- Strengthened the Past Pupils unit through social media (What’s app group)
- Rendered generous service to the Alma Mater
- Conducted tuition for the slow learners of their village
- Encouraging contributions to support the deserving students.
- The amount received from them was distributed as a Charity for the poor and the people who are around us.
- Our Past pupils also volunteered themselves to teach the students of Panchayat Union schools and Government Hr. Sec. Schools in and around the neighborhood. They helped the poor students by giving them financial help to continue their higher studies too. We are sure God will abundantly bless their generosity.

The process of education and development never end when young leave the school, we want to keep in touch with the students, because they are the asset of our mission. To serve the young, we need these Past Pupils. We can reach out persons easily with the help of our Past pupils.
Formative initiatives:
- Past pupils came to school, when Mother Provincial visited our community.
- Whenever past pupils enter our school they were given warm welcome.
- Though they could not be present for the meetings, they visited then and then with their friends.
- Past pupils seek admission for their friends and relatives.
Outstanding events:
- Past Pupils helped a lot during heavy rain fall at Thoothukudi. The maximum fund for flood relief was given by them.
- Three of our Past Pupils pay school fees for boarding girls.
- They connect themselves to reach out the activities even though they are not physically present.
- Our Past Pupil Dr. Kavi Priya came to our school for an awareness programme.
Future Plans:
- To start Instagram page for Past pupils.
- To have special page on Face book.
- To have at least virtual meetings.
- To enlarge the helping platform in an innovative way.

Vadakku Paganoor
Animation: I
The Past pupils’ meet was held on 15 th August 2023 and there were thirty-seven participants.Fr. Antonyswamy SDB in charge for vocation promotion in trichy Province, was the chief guest invited to enlighten the group. There was a game conducted for the participants. Everyone enjoyed playing the game. Then the meeting began with the prayer conducted by the Past Pupils. Then the gathering was welcomed after which Fr. Antonyswamy spoke about the quality of life of the person with social responsibility like Narayana Krishnan the Charitable man who supply food for many. And he also quoted many people who serve the other and nature with the sense of gratitude. He recommended everyone to grow in social responsibility, willing to help others in need and also the institution who educated them. Sr. Rani Celine Mary the Past Pupils delegate encouraged them to pay a visit to the institution whenever it is possible.

Animation: II
Mrs. Deepa Manickam the assistant professor in Tamil Nadu National Law University was invited on 26 th January 2024 to enlighten the group of Past Pupils on “Artificial Intelligence”. She spoke on the advantages and disadvantages on the “Artificial Intelligence.” Everyone understood well and determined to use media more meaningfully. Then Sr. Sathana Pusha Jeya, the Animator spoke about the Strenna message “Dream that makes you to dream”. Sr. Arockiasamy Rani Celine Mary spoke about the UNO Theme “The International year of Camelids. It was an enriching moment to all of us.We understood that we are called to bear witness by living the values of love, peace and justice. Finally, the Past Pupils appreciated and thanked the Chief Guest for her systematic presentation and sharing. And everyone felt the responsibility of building the society on love, self-control, peace and harmony. Finally, each one wished the other for a peace filled earthily life and had gone home.

Sr. Viagappan Rosario Jebamani conducted the past pupils meeting on 3 rd September 2023. Mr. Pethru welcomed the gathering. Sr.Rosy Antony shared her experiences with the past pupils. We shared the past pupils meeting which was conducted on July 21 st . Mrs Lima happily announced that Mr. Keniston was elected as province past pupils procurator. They planned to call the previous batch students who are employed so that we can help the poor. Now all those who gathered are present college students. So they had group discussion about gathering the previous batches. The plan and project were explained to them. 25 past pupils came. They had taken the following action plan.

- Monthly to save Rs 10
- In their leisure time, teach the weak students. During Christmas to vist the Leprosy home and help the poor. At the end, they had snacks and we concluded the meet with the prayer.
- Past pupils take Sunday Catechism in our Parish. They conduct various competitions during Bible week celebration, Charity Day, Christmas celebrations, Childrens’ day celebrations. They are the right hand in our Parish mission.
- Past pupils went different places during flood where the people affected, for the relief work, found some benefactors and got rice bags and groceries to the needy.
The past pupil meeting was held twice in the academic year on 15.06.2023 and 26.1.20 We were able to gather around 15 to 17 members and they belong to the past two years of batches from different colleges. During the meeting they shared their college experiences and recalled back their old memories of our school and appreciated our approach towards the children. Then Sr. Rajapushpam explained the theme of strenna and peace message were given to the students to practice it in their daily living. During the second meeting, they shared their experiences of practicing the values that they had learnt in our institute. Then they promised that
they will do some good after their studies. On 2 nd February 2024 we had past pupil for the present student of 12th standard. Whenever they have possibilities, they will help the late bloomer in their neighbourhood.