Born in Campiglia Marittima – Livorno (Italy) in 1955.Belonging to the Tuscan Holy Spirit Province, she experiences her first formative stages in Castelgandolfo (Rome) where, on 5 August 1975, she makes her First Religious Profession vows in the FMA Institute.Degreed in Literature, she is a teacher for several years and subsequently, Principal of the First and Second Degree Secondary School.For 10 years she is the Local and Provincial Delegate of the Salesian Youth Sports Clubs (PGS) and matures her pastoral experience as Provincial Coordinator of Youth Ministry. She is a Community Animator and then a Provincial Councilor.In 2001, with the unification of the three Provinces of Emilia, Liguria and Tuscany, she was appointed Provincial Councilor for Formation and she made her contribution by favoring paths of communion and of spirituality in a style of simplicity, respect for people, and depth.In 2007, she was appointed Provincial of the Emilia-Liguria-Tuscany Province of Our Lady of the Cenacle, based in La Spezia (ILS).GC XXII of 2008 elected her as Visiting Councilor and Sr. Chiara gave her availability by affirming: “In a spirit of abandonment to the will of God and trusting in the help of the Lord, I say yes”In the six-year period 2008-2014, she visited some Provinces of America and Europe, gaining an experience rich in the Salesian Spirit and interculturality. To each of her sisters, she gives her boundless love for every person and human reality, smiling and with good optimism, and the ability to grasp the seeds of life and hope in everyone and in events.She is a ‘clear’ person who is enthusiastic about the FMA vocation, has a great passion for young people in her heart, and expresses the capacity for open, serene, collaborative relationships.In 2014, Mother nominates her as Moderator of the XXIII General Chapter and in the same Chapter she was elected Vicar General, sharing closely in this way the service of animation and government with the Superior General. To Mother’s question after the voting: “Do you accept?”, Sr. Chiara replied with great emotion: “I trust the Lord and I entrust myself to Mary Help of Christians. For this I say YES!”.In February 2019, Mother was appointed Moderator of the XXIV General Chapter and on 5 October 2021, in the same Chapter she is elected Mother General, the 10th Successor of Mary Domenica Mazzarello.At this unprecedented hour in history and at the gates of the 150th anniversary of the Foundation of the FMA Institute, Mother Chiara places herself with simplicity and profound awareness at the helm of the Religious Family of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and, walking in synodal style, looks to the future with hope and trust.