Laudato Si




  • Conducting animation programmes on Laudato Si Goals and Its Actions for the Educating Community Members in each Zone.
  • Celebrating the “Laudato Si week 2023” in all the sectors at the local level by transmitting the animation and implementing the action plan decided at the zonal level.
  • Celebrating the national and international days concerning conservation of nature, which concur with the goals and actions of the Laudato Si. For this, every month the list of such days, their details and posters regarding the significance of the day are sent to the members of the Educating Community through Whatsapp, to help them to celebrate those days and to initiate certain concrete actions in remembrance of those days.
  • Celebrating the “Season of the Creation 2023” from 1st September to 4th October 2023 Theme: “Let Justice and Peace Flow”

Positive aspects :
  • The Sisters and the members of the Educating Community took it upon themselves the duty of spreading the idea of Laudato Si and its goals to all the members of the Educating Communities of all our institution. It has reached the Students, Staff, Cooperators, Vides and the Young Vides. They have enthusiastically taken the idea and are working on implementing the action plan.
  • A Special animation was conducted for all the VIDES members of the province at Puliadithammam on the 15th of October by Sr.Jayarani, the province coordinator of VIDES. Sr.MalarJothi was the resource person. In that she pointed that she could tap the Government resources and the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as they belong to an organization. This was well accepted by the VIDES members
  • All the sectors, including the Mariyalaya and the novices have been reached to.
Some encouraging impacts: