Educating community plays a vital role in fostering connections, promoting shared values and addressing collective needs. Educating community stands as a beacon of unity, compassion and empowerment.
This report seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of the diverse range of activities undertaken by highlighting their profound impact on the community of our province and society at large rooted in commitment to service and solidarity. Educating community has embarked on a journey of meaningful engagement, spearheading initiatives that touch upon various aspects of community Dvelopment, cultural enrichment and social justice advocacy.
This report comes to you to showcase the tangible outcomes and intangible benefits generated by educating community initiatives. This serves as a catalyst for social cohesion, resilience, and progress. By fostering empathy, promoting dialogue and mobilizing resources, these groups contribute to the fabric fabric of society, weaving together disparate strands into a tapestry of shared humanity.
Formative initiatives :
- Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. This educating community team gathers frequently to share their experiences in an attitude of co- responsibility and participation that favours the creation of the family spirit.
- Parents meet on parenting was organised in all the institutions which helps to strengthen the bond within the family as well as with the management.
- The young are provided structured classes or seminars designed to teach individuals about faith, beliefs, traditions and all the spiritual practices.
- Special events like retreat, adoration, Eucharistic celebrations and confession focused opportunities for individuals to engage in intensive learning, reflection and spiritual growth.
- During Christmas the educating community members presents people gifts, groceries dress materials etc as a symbol of love generosity and goodwill.
- A special seminar on family life was organised for the parents, teachers and all the EC members.
- Awareness program on leadership qualities was animated for the students.
- Motivation classes for the students encourage them to analyse themselves and become a proper human.
- Media awareness program was animated for the young in order to provide them a wider knowledge of media management.
Outstanding Events :
- Laudato si meeting was organised and all the seven goals were clearly explained to EC members and to the youth.
- VIDES members took free tuition classes on Maths and English subjects for poor pupils.
- EC members collaborate with the Parish and offer their helping hands to reach out to the poor.
- Regular house visits have been done by the sisters to create a proper bonding of love.
- Preparation of eco-bricks was an amazing performance that depicts the true love for nature.
- Educating community members to join hands with government schools regarding the government schemes in order to help the poor people.
- Visit to old age home gives the members great respect for elders.
- Members of the educating community offered donations to the school for the visually challenged people.
- During heavy rainfall at Thoothukudi many hands join together to render their generous service for the flood-affected people.
- Rallies were conducted to create awareness of the conservation of nature.
- Celebration of nativity festivals makes the members united together and working together.
- Educating community members are the greatest people who are ready to help the persons who are in need.
Challenges :
- The members of the educating community members are always ready to reach out to the young in need. But still, there are many challenges to be faced.
- Bringing people together is a great challenge.
- Most working parents are more in number for they cannot offer their time.
- Lack of communication occurs.
- Family backgrounds play a vital role in affecting any initiatives.
Future plan:
- To arrange virtual meetings frequently. (lack of time)
- To extend the activities largely.
- To conduct special seminars and retreats for educating community members.
- To visit the Educating members’ house.
- To offer guidance and counseling for EC members.
The Educating community is made up of the FMA community. At various levels, we share a common mission through different and complementary roles. The educating community is called to an attitude of continuous growth which leads each one to start from their role not only to educate others but above all to educate themselves.
Educating community works to serve the poor and abandoned youth. It aims at the total development of the young. “we evangelize by educating ” We commit ourselves to be a community lifestyle that is poor, simple, welcoming, and able to create a new educative presence among poor youth. We open up a new way to connect sisters, teachers, parents, students and Well-wishers. Together with lay collaborators, we are dedicated to doing all things for the Welfare of The Young through Schools colleges, and nonformal sectors. Educating community emphasize human responsibility and human freedom in order to create a Society of goodness.
Annual Educating Community Meet
20.01.2024 Madurai
“Strong team can take any crazy vision and turn into reality”
Our province Educating Community is a strong team and to make our vision come into reality we had our Annual Educating Community Meet on 20th January at Madurai.
Since prayer is found to be the world’s greatest wireless connection we were connected in God’s presence by Therespuram community. Sr. Diaz Immaculate the province EC coordinator welcomed our Mother Provincial and the gathering. Our Provincial Rev. Sr. Majella motivated the educating community members in a great way. She insisted the importance of being together and walking together.
She told that Educating Community is a family that gives life to many other families. She feels one among the members as she was no new to them.
Sr. Antony Nirmala Rani from Thanjavur community presented in a creative way the Strenna 2024. “The dream that makes you dream.” The students enacted how wolves were transformed into lambs. As the solution family around the world celebrates the second centenary of the dream that John Bosco had in 1824 at the age of 9.
Sr.Ayundukayam Arokia Malarjothi from Regunathapuram Community presented the UNO theme International year of Camelids 2024 in a humorous way. Everyone came to know more information about camels’. All the concepts were amazing and interesting to know and imparted a spirit to save animals as well as nature.
The peace message of Pope “Artificial Intelligence and peace” was presented by Mrs. Sheela (English Teacher) from Auxilium Girls’ Hr. Sec. School, Thanjavur. She explained in detail how for the artificial intelligence has an impact over human activities. After the explanations, six groups were divided among the members and answers were discussed for the given questions. Each group presented their views. Sr. Peter Selvarani animated this presentation session and advised everyone to carry all that they receive through this educating community meet. Broadway members delivered out of thanks. The meeting came to end with the cheerful song of Don Bosco.