Chronological Report
2023 – 2024
S. No | List of the training 2023 – 2024 |
1 | NCP Formation at Ulagampatti |
2 | NCP Formation at Keela Eral |
3 | NCP Formation at Ambedkar Nagar |
4 | AUXISTEM Education Orientation and Sessions |
5 | Orientation on Be a Conqueror |
6 | World Environment day |
7 | Community organization by internship students from four different colleges in Trichy |
8 | The AUXISTEM Robotics League 2024 |
9 | Orientation on 21 ST Century Skills |
10 | National inclusive Children’s Parliament meeting online for the evening study center teachers |
No. of participants: 123 NCP students:
NCP Formation was held in 3 different places and on different days – Ulagampatti, Dindigul on 22 nd July, 2023 with 35 NCP students and Miss Salomi the Children Programme Coordinator from ASSIST as the resources person, the second place was Keela Eral, Tuticorin on 13 th August , 2023 with 70 NCP students and Miss Salomi the Children Programme Coordinator from ASSIST as the resources person, and the last session was held in Ambedkar Nagar, Trichy on 25 th November, 2023 with 18 NCP students and Miss Salomi the Children Programme Coordinator from ASSIST as the resources person.
In all the three districts the key factor was the same. The session focused on the four fundamental rights, including the right to live, grow, protection, and participates, through Power Point presentation and innovative games. This approach attracted the children’s attention and helped them become aware of their rights and respond positively. The active participants were also encouraged and appreciated. Miss Salomi then explained the function of NCP and how to carry it out effectively in daily life and society.
As a result, the children are now aware of their rights and have become more vigilant in preventing and protecting themselves from all offenses.
Title: AUXISTEM Education Orientation and Sessions
ASSIST the Social Development office has ventured into STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Education. AUXISTEM Education facilitates children to approach
STEM subjects exploring areas of expertise understand both importance and possible applications of these subjects in everyday life and ultimately, stimulate their interest and creativity.
AUXISTEM Education runs in partnership with CRETILE. Orientation was given to the parents, students and staff of the following Schools.
Date | Place | Name Of School | Resource person | No.of Participants |
01/07/23 | Thanjavur | Auxilium Higher Secondary School | Mr.S.Sabarigiri | 55 |
09/08/23 | Madurai | Auxilium Matriculation School | Mr. Antony | 50 |
26/04/23 | Keela Eral | Auxilium Matriculation Hr. Sec. School | Sr. Prettenicia | 35 |
26/04/23 | Therespuram | Auxilium Matriculation Hr. Sec. School | Mr. Jeniston | 30 |
01/05/23 | Puliadithammam | Auxilium Matriculation School | Mr. Antony | 20 |
26/06/23 | Broadway | St.Francis Xavier Anglo Indian School | Mr.Jothi Hariraja | 149 |
03/07/23 | Tiruvottiyur | Our lady’s Higher Secondary School Primary School | Mr. Jothi Hariraja Mr. Jothi Hariraja | 102 102 |
Total No. of Children | 543 |
AUXI STEM classes are conducted in the above-mentioned schools on weekly basis by the appointed 5 Facilitators. Children are engaged in becoming creators, innovators and have crossed the bars of consumers.
Title: Orientation on Be a Conqueror
Date: 3 rd of June
Venue: Vakakku Paganoor – Trichy
No. of participants: 4
Resource Person: Miss. Salomi, the Children Programme Coordinator, ASSIST.
On the 3rd of June 2023, Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, Directress of ASSIST, prepared and instructed the staff of ASSIST to explain the “Be a conqueror” to all the evening study class teachers at VadakkuPaganoor, Trichy. The total of number of participants was 4. Miss. alomi, Children Programme Coordinator, trained four evening study center teachers from VadakuPaganoor. Each of the activities under the topic of “Be a Conqueror” mentioned below was efficiently explained to all the participants.
From June to September:
- Know Yourself
- Multiple Intelligence
- Soft Skills
From October to December:
- Grow Yourself
- Aptitude – Ability
- Soft Skills
From January to February:
- Invest Yourself
- Career Path
- Soft Skills
In March:
- Be a winner – Celebrate yourself
The participants benefited from the session to effectively carry out to their goals and succeed in life.
Title: World Environment day
Date: 5 th of June
Venue: Ambedkar Nagar and Manikandam – Trichy
No. of participants: 67
Resource Person: Sr. Soosaimuthu Arul Mary
On June 5th, 2023, ASSIST organized a World Environment Day celebration in collaboration with Ambedkar Nagar and Manikandam village children. The total number of participants was 67. Sr. Soosaimuthu Arul Mary, Sr. Vishvanathan Sujatha, Mr. Mohanraj, Miss. Salomi, Mr. Karuppaiya from ASSIST, along with four internship students from Holy Cross College,promoted environmental conservation by marching through the villages with posters and educating children about the importance of trees and reducing plastic usage. Some villagers participated in the rallies with great enthusiasm, chanting slogans to raise awareness about environmental issues.
Community organization
Community organization was conducted by internship students from four different colleges: Holy Cross College, Trichy; Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College, Trichy; Bishop Heber College, Trichy; and Bharathidasan University College, Trichy. They organized community
activities for the evening study children in neighboring villages. Below are the topics and details of the participants.
S.No | Date | Programme | Place | Facilitator | No.of Participants |
1 | 02.06.2023 | Awareness on Alcohol Addiction | Ambedkar Nagar | Miss. Salomi – ASSIST | 25 |
2 | 16.09.2023 | Global Warming | South Paganoor | Miss. Salomi – ASSIST | 40 |
3 | 23.09.2023 | Prevention of Dengue Fever | Manikandam | Miss. Salomi – ASSIST | 47 |
4 | 23.09.2023 | Awareness on Alcohol Addiction | Ambedkar Nagar | Miss. Salomi – ASSIST | 30 |
5 | 24.01.2024 | Health and hygienic | Gypsy Colony at Devarayanneri | Miss. Salomi – ASSIST | 30 |
6 | 29.01.2024 | Mental Health | ASSIST- hall (Manikandam Children) | Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi the Directress of ASSIST | 35 |
7 | 10.02.2024 | General Mental Health | Tiruvottiyur, Chennai | Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi the Directress of ASSIST | 120 |
7 | 27.02.2024 | Importance of health and Education | ASSIST- hall (Manikandam Children) | Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi the Directress of ASSIST | 35 |
8 | 05.03.2024 | Women Enhancement | Gypsy Colony at Devarayanneri | Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi the Directress of ASSIST | 25 |
Title: The AUXISTEM Robotics League 2024
Date: 24 th of January
Venue: Tiruvottiyur, Chennai
No. of participants: 4000
Resource Person: Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai, Indian scientist
The AUXISTEM Robotics League 2024 was a highly esteemed mega event that took place on the 24th of January 2024 at Our Lady’s Higher Secondary School in the campus of Tiruvottiyur, Chennai. “Creativity meets Logic” is the slogan chosen for the tournament, with the intention of helping young people develop their creativity and the ability to solve problems in a fun and engaging way. The event was sponsored by ASSIST, the Office for Social Development of the Province. 122 students from eight schools and an evening study center had the opportunity to show and exercise their skills in the STEM sector The day began in the presence of Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai, Indian scientist, former director of the Indian lunar exploration program Chandrayaan 1 and 2; the former director of the ISRO Satellite Center; Rev. Sr. Majella Fernando FMA, the Provincial of the Province of Our Lady of Snow, Tiruchirappali; and other personalities in the field of education and technology. Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai then addressed about 4000 students from 8 schools and 5 other schools in the area. In his discourse, he said that STEM, which stands for Seek, Think, Explore, and Make (searching, thinking, exploring, and realizing), is the strategy to be adopted to achieve successful results. In addition, students competed with functioning robots built and designed by them in different stages, and the winning team received medals and trophies. Junior level students participated in the following competitions: 3D structures built with 3D pens, simulators, and models of electrical circuits made from cardboard. Our Lady’s Higher Secondary School, Tiruvottiyur, was declared the Overall Champion of the AUXISTEM Robotics league 2024 Competition.
Title: Orientation on 21 ST Century Skills to the Non Formal Education Evening study
teachers and Coordinators online meeting
Date: 27 th of November
Venue: ASSIST – Trichy
No. of participants: 16
Resource Person: Miss. Salomi, the Children Programme Coordinator, ASSIST.
On November 27th, 2023, Miss Salomi, the Children’s Program Coordinator, introduced 21st Century Skills online to all the evening study center Coordinators and teachers of Marialaya communities in Pothur, Tiruppur, Coimbatore, Narasipuram, and George Town. The total number of participants was 16. She explained what Critical Thinking is and how it can be made comprehensive to children. The topics covered were Predicting, Visualizing, Questioning, Summarizing, Inferring, and Synthesizing. She explained each topic with a story directly connected to the topics. The session was an eye-opener for the participants, allowing them to learn about 21st Century Skills, which give children the space to think critically and act prudently.
Title: NCP online meeting:
Date: 25 th of February
Venue: ASSIST – Trichy
No. of participants: 34
Resource Person: Sr. Peter Arockia Mary
On the 25th of February 2024, an NCP online meeting was hosted by Sr. Vishvanathan Sujatha, the Children’s Program Coordinator from ASSIST, for all the evening study center in-charge Sisters, coordinators, and teachers. Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST, was present. The total number of participants was 34. Sr. Peter Arockia Mary from Tiruvottiyur, Chennai, and Vikneshwaren from the evening study center in Manikandam Trichy, who attended the National inclusive Children’s Parliament in Delhi, were the resource persons of the day. Sr. Peter Arockia Mary shared the importance of Children’s Parliament and its benefits, as well as the four fundamental rights, including the right to live, grow, protection, and participate, through a PowerPoint presentation. She also shared the Indian Helpline number in detail. Vikneshwaren shared his experience in participating in the National inclusive Children’s Parliament for the first time. He discussed the role of a Member of Parliament and how to exercise one’s rights at home and in society. Their sharing was inspiring and enriching for all the participants. Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST, appreciated and encouraged the participants for their involvement in the meeting and asked them to be faithful in conducting NCP in their own places and to stay active. She then gave space for the participants to share about the session. Some of them shared their ideas and opinions, which were inspiring and enriching for everyone. The meeting ended with hope.
S.NO | List of the training 2023 – 2024 |
1 | Inauguration of Food processing unit at Athivetti and the distributions of Goats to enhance livelihood opportunities |
2 | Distribution of fish hatchling and fish feed to farmers, Athivetti |
3 | Thanga Samba seeds given to Dindigul Ulagampatti farmers |
4 | Livelihood and Nutrition Household Survey in Athivetti Village |
Title: Inauguration of Food processing unit at Athivetti and the distributions of Goats to
enhance livelihood opportunities
Date: 25 th of July
Venue: Athivetti village
No. of participants: 60
Resource Person: Sr. Majella Fernando, the Provincial of INT Province, Trichy
On the 25th of July 2023, Sr. Majella Fernando, the Provincial of INT Province, inaugurated the food processing unit of the Women’s Self-Help Group at the Athivetti Panchayat Office in the presence of Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST, Mr. Rajkumar, the Panchayat President of Athivetti village, seven staff members from ASSIST, Mr. Ya Arul, a Writer and Social Activist from Chennai, and all nine Community Sisters from the Provincial House. Each selected Self-Help Group member from 60 families was supported with 2 goats per family. Raw materials were distributed for Soap Production and Cotton Bag Production for the women of Athivetti. The beneficiaries felt happy and thanked ASSIST and the staff for their hard work and commitment to reaching out to marginalized people.
Title: Distribution of fish hatchling and fish feed to farmers, Athivetti
Date: 24 th of August
Venue: Athivetti village
No. of participants: 10
Organizer: Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST
Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST, organized the distribution of fish hatchlings and food to the residents of Athivetti village in order to improve their livelihood. On August 24, 2023, Mr. Karuppaiya, the Welfare Project Coordinator, and Mr. Mohanraj, the Livelihood Project Coordinator from ASSIST, distributed the fish hatchlings and feed in the Panchayat Office in Athivetti. The distribution was carried out in the presence of Mr. Malervzhi Rajkumar, the Panchayat President of Athivetti village. Each person received 250 fish hatchlings and 500 kg of feed. The beneficiary’s ten individuals expressed their gratitude to ASSIST for its continuous support in making organic farming a successful endeavor.
Title: Thanga Samba seeds given to Dindigul Ulagampatti farmers
Date: 21 st of Saptember
Venue: Dindigul Ulagampatti
No. of participants: 10
Organizer: Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST
On September 21, 2023, Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST, took the initiative to provide Thanga Samba seeds to farmers in Dindigul Ulagampatti to improve their livelihoods. Mr. Karuppaiya, the Welfare Project Coordinator, and Mr. Mohanraj, the Livelihood Project Coordinator from ASSIST, visited the Dindigul Ulagampatti Community and distributed 10kg of Thanga Samba seeds to ten farmers each in the presence of Sr. Shantha, the Animator of the Ulagampatti Community. The farmers expressed their gratitude to Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi for fulfilling their needs and were happy to receive the seeds.
Title: Livelihood and Nutrition Household Survey in Athivetti Village
Date: 25 st of September
Venue: Athivetti village
No. of participants: 10
Organizer: Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST
On September 25, 2023, Mr. Karuppaiya, the Welfare Project Coordinator, Mr. Mohanraj, the Livelihood Project Coordinator, Mr. Mathikumar, the Content Development Head, and Miss Salomi, the Children’s Program Coordinator from ASSIST, along with MSW students from Holy Cross College (Autonomous) Trichy, visited Athivetti village to conduct a survey on Livelihood and Nutrition Household Survey. The survey included questions on income generation, income and livelihood diversity, and household nutrition and diet. A total of 51 interviewers, including 4 staff members from ASSIST and 372 families were interviewed. This survey aimed to create awareness and encourage the community to consume nourishing food in their daily lives.
S.NO | List of the training 2023 – 2024 |
1 | Starting of the Tailoring Unit |
2 | Training on responsible parenting with a critical view of media |
3 | Narikuravar Girls learn the art of Makeup |
4 | Cherishing the Wisdom of Ancient towards Environmental Resilience |
5 | Christmas Celebration with the members of the Self Help Group from Manikandam |
6 | Common Nursery, Herbal gardens and Vertical garden |
Title: Starting of the Tailoring Unit
Date: 10 th of June
Venue: Narikuravar Colony, Devarayanneri
No. of participants: 17
Resource Person: Mrs. Roseline Priya
On June 10th, 2023, ASSIST; Social Development office, initiated the tailoring course for the gypsy women in. They fully involved in producing eco-friendly items with cloth materials such as purses and various types of bags, which were sold to school children and their parents.
Title: Training on responsible parenting with a critical view of media
Date: 14 th of September
Venue: Coimbatore
No. of participants: 60
Resource Person: Mr. Karthik Krishnan
On September 14, 2023, the Development Office ASSIST organized a one-day workshop on responsible parenting with a critical view of media for 60 women self-help group members of Marialaya, Coimbatore. The aim was to make the role of women in the family and society more caring and to build lasting and meaningful relationships. The resource person explained the positive and negative impacts of social media. The participants became aware of social media platforms and were convinced to use them mindfully and responsibly.
Title: Narikuravar Girls learn the art of Makeup
Date: 1 st of November
Venue: Narikuravar Colony, Devarayanneri
No. of participants: 30
Resource Person: Miss. Sneha Priya
30 Gypsy women participated with a lot of joy and enthusiasm to improve their standing in society. On the last day, certificates were distributed to all the participants.
Title: Cherishing the Wisdom of Ancient towards Environmental Resilience
Date: 13 th of October
Venue: Narikuravar Colony, Devarayanneri
No. of participants: 18
Resource Person: Mr. Vijaya Kumar and Mr. Balu from Vadalur
On October 13th, 2023, ASSIST, the Social Development Office initiated training on Medicinal Plants and Natural Medicinal Remedies for the young people of the Narikuravar colony at Devarayanneri. Mr. Karupaiya, the Welfare Project Coordinator, Mr. Mohanraj, the Livelihood Project Coordinator from ASSIST, and Mrs. Priya Roseline, the tailoring trainer, were present. The resource persons, Mr. Vijaya Kumar and Mr. Balu from Vadalur, explained in detail about hair maintenance, medicinal plants for diabetes patients, and eye care. Eighteen young girls participated, and it was useful for them.
Title: Christmas Celebration with the members of the Self Help Group from Manikandam
Date: 22 nd December
Venue: ASSIST – Hall
No. of participants: 30
Resource Person: Sr. Soosaimuthu Arul Mary
The Self Help Group from Manikandam came to ASSIST for the Christmas celebration. Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, the Directress of ASSIST, gave an introductory talk where she emphasized the importance of saving money in the bank and being regular for the group assembly. Sr. Soosaimuthu Arul Mary shared about the historical event of the birth of Christ and His assurance that His presence is always with us. Finally, one of the participants spontaneously shared about the activities that they carry out and expressed the support received from ASSIST. The day was meaningful as we shared joy and love with each other. At the end, tea and cake were distributed.
Title: Common Nursery, Herbal gardens and Vertical garden
Date: 6 th of March
Venue: Narikuravar Colony, Devarayanneri
No. of participants: –
Resource Person:
12 types of medicinal plants were distributed to six families of the Narikuravar Colony in Devarayaneri to set up an herb garden for production.
Youth – Vetriyin Verkal
S.NO | List of the training 2023 – 2024 |
1 | Be a Conqueror- for first-year students of Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Regunathapuram |
2 | An inter-sectoral venture: ToT for VIDES members, Ulagampatti |
3 | Project proposal writing training for the MSW students of Holy Cross College, Autonomous Trichy |
4 | E- Commerce |
5 | Career guidance |
Title: Be a Conqueror- for first-year students of Auxilium College of Arts and Science for
Women, Regunathapuram
Date: 26 th of July
Venue: Auxilium College, Regunathapura
No. of participants: 200
Recourse Person: ASSIST- Staff
On July 26th, 2023, ASSIST the Social Development Office empowered the staff members – to conduct an orientation session on “Be a Conqueror” for first-year students of Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Regunathapuram. The session covered topics such as “Know Yourself,” “Grow Yourself,” “Invest Yourself,” and “Celebrate Yourself” (Be a Winner).
Title: An inter-sectoral venture: ToT for VIDES members, Ulagampatti
Date: 27 th of August
Venue: Dindigul Ulagampatti
No. of participants: 5
Recourse Person: ASSIST- Staff
ASSIST Organization Offered an orientation on “Be a Conqueror” to the VIDES members of Dindigul Ulagampatti. The session began with the following topics: “Know Yourself,” “Grow Yourself,” “Invest Yourself,” and “Celebrate Yourself” (Be a Winner). Each topic was explained through a Power Point presentation and games related to the topics. The session was fruitful and an eye-opener for the participants to focus on their goals and do well for society. Training materials were given to the members who will be conducting career guidance for school students in their neighborhood. May the Charism of Don Bosco make our youth bloom and spread fragrance of love and joy.
Title: Project proposal writing training for the MSW students of Holy Cross College,
Autonomous Trichy
Date: 8 th to 9 th of September
Venue: Kotagiri
No. of participants: 47
Recourse Person: Sr. Azarias Arokia Mary Selvi, Directress of ASSIST
On the 8th and 9th of September 2023, a project proposal writing training was conducted for the Department of Social Work students of Holy Cross College, Autonomous Trichy at Mount Don Bosco, Kotagiri. Sr. Selvi began the training with an introduction to project proposal writing and encouraged participants to identify the problems and think deeply to identify root causes. She emphasized that projects should be based on real needs and has a real impact. The students were divided into six groups, and each group was given one project to write down as per the instructions given by Sr. Selvi.
Title: E- Commerce
Date: 29th January
Venue: Auxilium College of Arts and Science for women at Chittampatti, Madurai
No. of participants: 120
Recourse Person: Rajalakshmi and Rexlin Sibi
E-Commerce classes were provided for the students of Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women at Chittampatti, Madurai. The classes were divided into two sessions.
Title: Career guidance:
Date: 26 th of February
Venue: Keela Eral
No. of participants: 84
Recourse Person: ASSIST- Staff
Career guidance was given to the students of Auxilium Matriculation Hr. Sec. School, Keela Eral. Students were exposed to new job opportunities and gained confidence to achieve their goals in life.